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  I had a friend that said "dance reveals your soul" which annoyed me because, y'know, I ain't much of a dancer.
   I've always thought the art you choose revealed that part of you, and since I'm wantin' you to know me better,
here's a portion of the signed or original fantasy pieces I'm lucky enough to have in my home.
I hope you find an artist who intrigues you enough to consider pursuing, as the living artists need your support,
and also, I often find myself lost in agazement, and would wish it for you, as well.
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John J. Muth  


Charles Vess

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emily hare HOWL frame.jpg
Travis Louie Sarah&Emmett Wix.jpg
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Akira frame.jpg
Daniel Danger frame.jpg
1 - Adkins' Strange pg 7.jpg
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Jasmine Worth                

Tim Burton  

Moebius  (Jean Giraud)

Emily Hare

Travis Louie

Marie Severin


Ray Harryhausen

Daniel Danger

Dan Adkins


Glenn Cravath  (1931 - did storyboards for King Kong)

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Wallace Nutting  (pre-color-photography / hand colored)

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P. Craig Russell


Robert A. Heinlein  (first page of "Stranger In A Strange Land")

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Iris Compiet


Neal Adams

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"cartoon" from abandoned PA Stained Glass Factory

Landis Blair Waiting Vulture FRAME.jpg
Samuel Clemens - Cliff Young2_edited_edi

Landis Blair

Cliff Young   (painter of murals in NYC Natural History Museum)

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James Christensen

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